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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Photo of the Day admission and Dumbass of the Day for 9/3 (I think)

I have been meaning to make this post but obviously I have been caught up in my busy schedule lately. I've fallen off the photo of the day bus (sorry!) a few weeks back. I can honestly say, it is a project that I have to undertake and stick too at some point, but right now it's just not going to work. My schedule is too hectic to be posting every night and I am sorry. I have missed some great pictures from not having my camera along my side at every moment. On Patriots Day, I missed a red white and blue hot air balloon right over old town Gilbert when I went to work in the morning. I also missed all the beautiful flags up and down the street that day. Each light post in old town Gilbert has two flag holders on each side of it and on this day, the had put them all out to commemorate the 9/11 event. In addition, the American Legion across the street had all their flags up, which when I counted was 9 that I could see, and they had tied big yellow ribbons all the way down the little iron fence around the building. It was beautiful! Sorry that you could not all see it.

In addition, I have missed photographing some great clouds, my family and friends and some other odds and ends type stuff that I have seen while I have been out. I saw the strangest thing going to school the other night - a man riding an electric cooler. Yes, I said cooler! I saw it and was like 'man, I should have my camera right now! No one will believe this one!"

Truth be told, I want one of those things! It was cool. I decided to research it on the internet. Turns out there is such a thing! It's called the "Cruizin Cooler" and costs about $500. The guy is making a fortune off of these! I had some flashbacks of this being the perfect ride for NASCAR races. Screw taking the tram back and forth in that large parking lot - just ride your cooler to the bar! You can drink along the way!

Personally, I like the 'Cruisin Cooler Wagon', which I think is the ultimate redneck ride. It has the wagon fer yer kids or yer dog. Oh, or yer guns.

See what people come up with? I swear, one of these days my inventions are going to fly. Anyway just wanted to share that little story with ya cause I could not believe my eyes when I saw it.

Now on to my families "Dumbass of the Day" story. This happened 3 Thursday's ago and I have been meaning to post it, but well, you know, I got kinda busy. Anyway, I was briefly checking in on Facebook and my sister had posted this note: "I spent the day thinking I was going to make enchiladas. What I came home to was an ordained minister husband and news that I was hosting a wedding in my back yard. Interesting....". Of course this comment was reason enough for me to pick up the phone. Turns out the neighbors, we won't mention any names but will just call them "the bartender and the sheriff", decided they wanted to get married. And not in the future but in the NEAR FUTURE. Like now. So Drew went online and became an ordained minister. Then he set up the backyard with candles and added some lights to the bar. And then Mandie came home and was thrown into the mix. So she went to the store, bought a cake and some flowers, dug out her wedding glasses and cake topper and got ready to host a wedding. In her backyard, after work, with 6 people and the dogs in attendance, on a Thursday night. But THEN Drew wondered how legitimate his training was in ministry. So they called up a friend who is an ordained minister and she came right on over and performed the ceremony.

Huh? My family seems to be moving more towards the 'redneck' status than I thought. And at a quicker rate of speed than I thought. Anyway, on to more productive things. I gotta get some homework done. I have a test on Thursday and have not read a thing. I'll check back in in a few days.

Peace and Love and all that crap!

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