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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Little Boys who grow up to be Little Boys

Saturdays "Dumbass of the Day" has got to go to my husband Will. I just so happened to be doing some crafting out back and he decided to keep me company for a while. I was really into what I was doing and I wasn't really paying much attention to him. I was not aware of what he was doing but knew he was keeping himself busy, walking around the backyard, playing with the dog, looking in on the chickens. All of a sudden he broke the silence and said "Look honey, look what I made - Petroglyphs!" As I looked Will was proudly displaying a water design on our back cinderblock wall. As he proceeded to tell me that he saw a 'giraffe, a turtle etc...' I wondered how he had made it since the hose was not on - but then it dawned on me - he had spray peed all over the place! Anyone who knows Will knows that one of his favorite things to do is pee in the backyard out in nature. He says he's 'watering the trees' which is probably a good thing since we don't water back there. But this was the first time he had ever decided to display his 'artwork' for anyone to see. It made me laugh so hard at the time, that of course, I had to take a few photos of Picasso himself. Men, I swear. Can't live with them, can't live without them and they certainly, most definitely never, ever grow up!


  1. I see an ostrich!!! and I think he HAD to have had a Mickey's 40 before THAT much "art" lmao classic Will

  2. He actually had a few of them. That's funny!
