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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Late Night

Twenty minutes late tonight. And it is going to be a LATE night for me so this will be fairly quick.

I spent most of the day shopping for school items and work clothes today. Did not have much time for photos today so you are getting the few that I clicked. I noticed when I was driving that their were Thunderheads completely surrounding the valley this afternoon. Funny thing is that it was only suppose to be 100 today with no chance of rain. It's suppose to shoot back up to 107-110 by the weekend. That's gonna suck (as usual). So anyway, I probably should not be taking photos on the road, but I do on occasion. Like a good friend, my camera is always riding shot gun no matter where I am going or what I am doing. It's there for me just in case I see something interesting which I often do.
I did notice today when I was over at Tempe Marketplace that the planes fly right over that place and right over ASU stadium. One after the other, they were coming in right over me. So I tried to catch a few. Not very good shots but I think the battery was real low. So here they are. Just to be true to the "Photo of the Day".
Dumbass move of the day - Some lady decided to flip a U-ey she couldn't make on a main street, in a truck while hauling a washer and dryer, and then proceeded to back up in the middle of the street with me flying right at her. Being the courteous driver I am, I stopped and waited. Then she decided that she liked driving in the middle of both lanes for a while. She finally settled on staying directly in front of me all the way to Tempe Marketplace. The thing that pissed me off the most was during this display of her completely crappy driving, I noticed the whole way there that not once did she use a blinker for any reason. I was beginning to think perhaps she was a foreigner and did not know the rules of the road here, but I finally came to the conclusion that it was more likely she was just a complete dumbass. I was so mad I should of pulled the dumb bitch over and told her she needed to go to driving school, but I didn't. I figured my road rage would do nothing but upset me further.

Anyway, pretty boring post but there you go. And here I go. On to studying until 2am. Sweet Dreams to all you early sleepers and goodnight to all you night owls!

Peace and Love and all that crap!

1 comment:

  1. Shopping for work clothes? Does this mean you got a job? If so congratulations.....
