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Monday, August 24, 2009

Photo of the Day

Good evening! Well, only 20 minutes until it's a new day so I thought I'd better post this. Don't wanna blow my photo of the day on only the second day! Today was a really boring day. Needless to say during the middle of summer with no pool, there is not a lot of action going on at our house to be able to photograph fun stuff. Truth is, I played on the net, went to the grocery store and played cabbie to the kids for a trip to the library. Other than that, it was a lazy Sunday for sure. So I tried to make the best of it and get a few photos of something. But I warn you - they are extremely boring!

The first photo is just the girls looking all too thrilled about going to the library. They asked to go of course (wow, being grounded does have benefits!), but the by the expressions on their faces, you would think I was forcing them to research and write a report or somethin. At 3:00 in the afternoon, they pretty much spent a whopping 15 minutes there tops. They told me an hour. We live 5 miles from the Tempe library. When I got home from dropping them off, Will told me they had called and were ready to be picked up. PLEASE! Tell me you can't figure out how to burn at least an hour in the library. So I had to turn my ass right around, get back in my golden oven (my car) and get my ass back to the library. ASAP before the brats decided to do something stupid - like maybe hitchhike or somethin (wishful thinking on my part).

Anyway, on the way to drop them off, I passed over a freeway overpass that had a walking bridge over it. I thought perhaps I might get a good photo or two of the thunderheads brewing in the East Valley over the freeway. Sounded good, right? Nope. No such luck. As you can see, the fence was way to thick and the photos came out looking like I was taking them from inside a cell at San Quentin. Not so great. I did, however, find and interesting shot of the walking bridge. See?

I also found something very interesting ON the bridge. Now call me crazy for taking this stupid photo, but just how the hell did this get there in the first place? Were some unruly teenagers actually trying to have sex looking over the freeway at night? Or did it just fall out of some unsuspecting businessmans wallet? Did someone open it and then drop it? All I know is it caused a lot of unwanted questions to swarm my brain. Usually when and if you find these, they are used thrown in a parking lot (disgusting people please! at least throw that shit in a trash can), or you find the wrappers with nothing in them (perhaps he wore it home?) or you find them full and closed (oops! someone will be missing it later). Never have I seen one unused and open in the street. Come on - admit it - neither have you. Anyway, I just had to take the photo. I think it was the most interesting thing I saw all day.

Hopefully tomorrow holds some better photos. Until then, at least I kept true to the new "Photo of the Day".

Peace and Love and all that crap!

~ Tee

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