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Sunday, August 23, 2009


Sometimes I can be a real asshole and today is just one of those days. You know the kind of day where nothing goes right and you just want to crawl back into bed and start the day completely over. I've been in a foul mood just about all morning due to the numerous little irritating things that have a way of pissing me off. I have no patience for the family's little bullshit maneuvers today.

The kids left ramen noodles all over the ground outback, thus the ants that proceeded up my legs and went on to bite me. The ant trap box was put back underneath the sink where it belongs (for once), but with a slight problem - no ant traps in it! I can't believe someone has the energy to put the box back underneath the sink, but not to walk about 3 feet to the recycling bin.

Both bathrooms have empty cardboard left on the roller for me to replace because everyone is too fucking lazy to open a drawer and replace the old roll. I don't know, call me wrong and insane for this posting, but seriously, do you think anyone would be happy about wiping their ass with cardboard? Me neither. Maybe I should just leave it. Problem is, I'll go back later, forget about it and there still won't be one friggin square for me and I will (literally) be shit out of luck. To top it off, it will just leave a disgusting thought in my head making me wonder what the hell my family had been wiping their asses with all day.

In addition, there is a karaoke machine, cord and all, on the floor of the hall bath. I've heard of singing in the shower, but don't you think this is taking it just a little too far? So now when I go in there, mom can trip and hit her head on the bathtub. Maybe that's just wishful thinking. At this point I am wishing for something to put me out of my misery!

I wanted three minute eggs this morning, but of course that got messed up too. Twice.  I cooked them and (as usual) forgot, ending up with 6 hard boiled eggs that I won't eat. Dog food I suppose.

Hubby came home from a night of partying with friends, but he's not just hung over, he's still drunk! Just not in the mood to deal with that at ALL right now. We were suppose to finish the side yard in back for the chickens today when he got home. Looks like that ain't happenin due to a potential nap coming on to sober up. Guess my garden and the chickens will have to wait another 5 months. My garden was started before my sister's was months ago (April 9th to be exact) and now she has veggies growing and I have...dirt. Dry, crumbling dirt. With a few weeds thrown in for good measure. And when I have asked him how many times I have asked to finish it, he has just said 'numerous' and that 'we will for sure get it done tomorrow'. Yeah right! Like I am suppose to believe the King of Stalling, Mr. Postpone. Hey, maybe I'll have veggies in 2010. Then again, maybe not.

And they want to know why I am in a bad mood. Huh. That's amazing. I must be living with blind people if they can't see the shit that I do. But hey, there is always tomorrow I suppose. Another day, another several hundred things to bitch about.

Thanks for letting me vent. I feel much better!

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