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Monday, August 24, 2009

Todays Stuff

Today was the beginning of classes at ASU and for me. While I love school, I am not quite ready to give up my free time to studying. Summer just seemed to go by so quickly and it was way to short. The only things that gets me through each semester is knowing I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Finally. I know graduation is coming soon. After 20+ years of college on and off (yes, I am on the 25 year plan), you can understand why I can't wait to finally walk down the aisle. Some people that have known me for that long tell me to face it, I'm a career student. Well...that may be so. I found myself thinking tonight (in class) that I should just go ahead and continue on into the Masters program (my husband is going to kill me). What the hell? It's been this long already and I'm thousands of dollars in debt, I may as well be making as much money as I can. Truth is, most Bachelor's degrees today are like HS diplomas were for us 20 years ago. You gotta have one to have a minimal job. I hate to even think about what it is going to be like for my kids soon. Anyway, I am back to hitting the books (starting like, right now) so my posts may be a bit shorter each night. I know you are all thinking "good, she needs to shut the hell up sometimes", right? SORRY. I like to write just about as much as I like to talk (which is a LOT).

So, here's the days scoop on pics. First thing this morning I was taking the girls to school and just so happened to look up while getting into my car. And the site was awesome. It was a beautiful day. I had to go get my camera and take a couple of photos. One thing I have to tell you about Arizona is that we have some of the most amazing sunrises, sunsets, lightning storms and cloud formations that I have ever seen. This picture was the best of the three I took (I got the corners of the houses in the others). It looks almost ethereal doesn't it? I caught it at just the right moment. Not bad for seeing it, running in to get the camera and then snapping a couple quick ones all on the way to take the kids to school (and they were late today).

Well, just so happened while I was taking these photos that my neighbor gave me an idea for my "Dumbass of the Day" comment for this evenings blog.  I think it was the only "dumbass" thing that happened to me all day today, which for me is pretty rare. Usually there is more than one a day. Oh! Except for the "dumbass" comment that Will and I heard on this show this evening (see brief below). Soooo... I decided instead of just "Dumbass Question of the Day, it should probably be altered to encompass "Dumbass Question, Comment, Statement, Look or Action of the Day. Figure that should probably cover all the bases pretty well. If you can think of anymore, let me know.

Anyhow, he sees me looking up taking the photo and says to me "Your gonna blind yourself taking photos of the sun" at which point I could only think to myself "I'm not looking at the sun you DUMBASS. If you would bother to look up, you would see that the clouds are clearly beautiful because they are covering the sun!". Then again, I don't think he is use to seeing the sun and probably does not remember what it is. He seems to be up all night doing god knows what, in and out of his house. At least I have a legitimate excuse - I am up every night until like 2am studying. I've seen him after midnight on numerous occasions (through the cracks in my back fence) BBQing, working on cars, welding and moving shit in and out of the backyard. I swear, people never cease to amaze me. It's amazing that we are actually all part of the same race (human).

The other one was a simple statement made on a Forensics show (gotta love 'em!) that Will and I heard just after I returned from school this evening. In the story they stated that someone had found a skull in a forest thinking it was a Turtle shell. I turned to Will and asked, "Now how the hell do you mistake a SKULL for a turtle shell?". We both got a good laugh off of that comment.

The other photo here is one I took while rushing to class over at ASU's main campus in Tempe. It's the little church directly across the street from the new Sustainability building on University. I've always thought the church was very beautiful. I have photographed it once before but decided it might make a nice Black and White and decided I would try out the B & W setting on my digital. Not bad if I do say so myself! Perfect timing considering it was in between all the cars and people rushing to get to their first day of class or home from work at 5:30 in the afternoon.

Well, with that, I will leave you for now. Gotta finish doing some school stuff and looking forward to bed - before 2 am.

Peace and Love to you all :)

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